During his latest Russian prank call, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev boasts how he renamed Macedonia. We even changed the official name of the country, Zaev exclaims at one point, and sensing an interesting story, the prankster begins pushing Zaev toward accepting migrants in Macedonia.

– Thank you Greta, lately we change even our name because we intend to build friendship, to be modern country and now we became Republic of “North” Macedonia, Zaev says.

– I think “North” Macedonia would be a great country for migrants. It would be a great example for Europe, your committment to the European Union and your committment to human rights, “Greta” tells Zaev.

– Yes, we work together with the European Commission, human aspects of all this migrants that happened here, also that is one of the importest track for migrantion that happened to our country. They are not very much interested to stay here because we have low economic standards than Western part of Europe, but we manage together, Zaev replies.

– And migrants will need housing and preferances to get jobs in your country. We will support you in the international level, “Greta” says.
– Very good, very good, Zaev nods along.