Friday, 8 November 2019
Macedonia 08.11.19 | 11:08

Earthquake felt in Prilep area

A 2.3 magnitude earthquake was felt this morning at 4:39 am in the Prilep area, 65 km south of Skopje. According to the current data, the earthquake was felt by the population of Prilep and the surrounding area with intensity of III degrees according to the European macro-seismic scale.

World 08.11.19 | 10:57

Orban: We are safe as long as Erdogan is in power

Turkey plays a key role in stopping millions of migrants en route to Hungary and Europe, though the Hungarian opposition cannot or will not understand it. Any attempt to oust Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would be in the interest of “migration forces”, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor...

Macedonia 08.11.19 | 10:45

What and why the Government hides about the helicopter business: Secret report signed by Raskovski made public

The news portal published the report of the Public Procurement Commission, which the secretary-general and the government do not show to the public. It contains a series of legal violations that have been identified by members of the Commission and is signed by Secretary General Dragi Raskovski....

Macedonia 08.11.19 | 09:45

Novakovski: Consensus needed to change the election model four months before the elections

Aleksandar Novakovski said Thursday on TV21 “Click Plus” show that the election model four months before the elections must be changed by consensus, if changes were made before the regular election deadline, then no consensus is needed. Changing the model 4 months before the elections is...