The special negotiator of Zaev’s Government, Vlado Buckovski, met Wednesday in Sofia with the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ekaterina Zaharieva.

Zaharieva reiterated her firm positions expressed previously in an interview with a Bulgarian television and stressed that what had been asked of Macedonia had already been said. Zaharieva pointed out that states cannot recognize or deny the identity and nation of other states, but at the same time illogically stressed that the Macedonian identity cannot be based on renunciation of Bulgarian roots.

Unfortunately, they are building the nation and the identity on an anti-Bulgarian basis. Today I did not want to explain our position thinking that I explained it well in one of my speeches. Unfortunately, they continue to win elections there only on anti-Bulgarian rhetoric. It cannot continue. Generations that build their identity on the basis of renunciation and hatred of a neighboring country cannot continue to be educated, Zaharieva said.

According to Zaharieva, the Macedonian identity was created on the basis of renunciation of Bulgaria.

Here is the statement that Minister Zaharieva referred to.

We do not dispute their right to self-determination, nor the right to call their language whatever they want. We are ready to reaffirm the current realities, but they must accept the historical truth,” the Bulgarian minister said.

Our concerns stem from the endless claims of a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Recognition of Bulgarian roots will put an end to that, Zaharieva said.