We expect the financial conditions to ease for both the citizens and the corporate sector. This was precisely the purpose of the amendments to the regulation on the operation of banks, which we adopted. We have done in-depth analysis before in order to come up with a solution that will at the same time help the population and companies and maintain financial stability. We expect banks to actively implement the possibilities of regulatory changes, governor Anita Angelovska-Bezoska said Thursday on the “Click plus” show on TV 21. She pointed out that the National Bank is monitoring and analyzing the offers for changing the contractual terms of the loans, which are published these days.

On the show, Angelovska-Bezoska also referred to the credit growth, which in the first two months of this year is solid and equals about 7%, with the trend of greater focus on households with growth rate of about 11%. At the same time, deposit growth continued, which averaged about 8%.