Trade unions and activists organizations called on the Energy Regulatory Commission to reverse its decision to hike the energy price by 7.4 percent. This made Macedonian energy prices the second highest in Europe – taking into account the purchasing power.

It is especially unacceptable that this decision was made at a time of the worst recent economic crisis, when thousands are left jobless or with pay cuts. This will hit the workers and the economically vulnerable worst, said the SSNM media union, in a statement joined by a number of other unions. In the statement, it is pointed that the move followed the general elections, during which the parties campaigned on discounted energy prices.

And the Youth for Macedonia association started an online petition against the price hike. “Given that we have among the lowest salaries in Europe, we are concerned about our fellow citizens who won’t be able to cover their bills or purchase groceries due to the economic crisis”, the petition declares.