Nikola Gruevski was not actively involved in the presidential election campaign. The former Prime Minister and VMRO leader focused mostly on the economic mismanagement under the SDSM party, and reposted articles about the long list of infrastructure projects he started and SDSM seems completely unable to finish.

On the day of elections, Gruevski posted a comment on his Facebook page – his preferred means of public communication from exile in Hungary – decrying the opportunities for growth Macedonia is missing under Zoran Zaev’s tax heavy and incompetent administration.

When VMRO led the Government, through times of global economic and political crises, we still managed to bring in new factories from abroad and provided new opportunities for the unemployed and low paid workers. And now, where there is no economic crisis in Europe or around the world, we should be seeing three times the number of foreign investment. But instead, almost no efforts are made to persuade companies to open new factories and provide new jobs. All we see is some modest make-pretend. There is nobody there to do it. They don’t know how to do it. And they don’t have the will or interest to learn how to do it, Gruevski writes.

His decade long administration went through the Wall Street meltdown of 2008 and the Greek – Euro financial crisis, all the while delivering steady economic growth and reducing the unemployment rate from from 38 percent in 2006 when he took over, to just over 20 percent, providing 150.000 new jobs in the process.

Today we see that more and more unemployed and unwanted workers are looking for better prospects outside. Macedonia has less and less people with each passing day. That is the Macedonian destructive tendency, Gruevski adds, before sharing a list of 50 infrastructure projects, reforms and VMRO initiatives which were stopped in their tracks by Zaev.

Кога ВМРО ја водеше владата во време на економски и политички кризи, се трудевме и носевме нови фабрики од странство за…

Gepostet von Nikola Gruevski am Sonntag, 21. April 2019