Several news outlets published today a program prepared by the Dean of the Philological Faculty in Skopje Aneta Ducevska under which the current 11 departments at the faculty will be reduced to just five. On the chopping block would be the Macedonian language and Macedonian literature departments which will be rolled into larger studies – and none of the remaining five departments would use the name Macedonian.

This confirms that Ljupco Kocarev, President of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, was correct when he raised the alarm that Macedonia’s largest philological faculty is planning to erase its Macedonian departments – in line with numerous other concessions being done by the Zaev regime. Kocarev was brutally attacked by media outlets linked to SDSM, who were accusing him of spreading fake news when he could not immediately produce the document, and even wrote articles titled “Who does Kocarev work for?” – in the best fashion of the Communist times.  The Zaev regime is abolishing history in elementary schools, renaming institutions to delete the name “Macedonia” – even tried to do so to the Macedonian Academy which Kocarev leads – all to appease neighboring countries who take issue with the Macedonian national identity.

If this comes to pass, it would it would devastate the world of Macedonian language studies and would lead to the abolition of all international departments for the study of our language, Kocarev warned.

Dean Ducevska today confirmed that the program was prepared by her, after days of falsely claiming that there are no such plans in place. In her defense, she insisted that this was a program prepared before her appointment to her current term and that it shouldn’t have been made public.