Ali Ahmeti’s son Shkumnbin Ahmeti opened a new energy company. Two months after he registered the Theas Energy company, he now set up a company called SEE Power, registered in Bardovci near Skopje, along with businessmen from Israel and Romania, as well as Indian businessman Ranjit Nayak.

With this, the Ahmeti family is firmly entering the energy business, following in the footsteps of the Zaev and the Kovacevski families. The Government has enormous influence over this sector, and can approve, or block, green energy developments, which can then apply to sell energy at above market prices. Macedonia is in a deep energy crisis due to the mishandling of the state owned energy producers by the Government, leading to a huge demand. This led to allegations that Government officials deliberately undermined cheap coal production. Before becoming Prime Minister, Kovacevski was in the solar panel business, which took off as electricity prices began to spike, while Zaev and Ahmeti are in the also very lucrative energy import businesses.