“Vecer.mk” has learned from government unofficial sources that yesterday a physical fight took place between Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi and Government Secretary General Dragi Raskovski.

The animosity between the two has existed since the very beginning of the new government when Grubi, the first deputy prime minister Zaev, moved into the well-arranged office of the secretary general.

Raskovski complained about this decision, but in vain.

Yesterday, the tension culminated when Raskovski refused to hand over all the keys to Grubi from the office, but also from other rooms and the office’s safe, and a loud argument, shouting followed, which, according to unofficial government sources, eventually culminated with Deputy Prime Minister Grubi hitting Raskovski on his neck and head.

Then they were separated, and through an employee in the secretariat, Raskovski later sent all the keys to Deputy Prime Minister Grubi, who has been officially placed in the office that belonged to the Secretary General until yesterday.

The government service is now looking for another office for Dragi Raskovski.