The State Audit Office in the final audit report published today concerning the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy expresses an “unfavorable opinion regarding the truthfulness and objectivity of the financial statements” and “a reserved opinion on the compliance of financial transactions with the relevant legislation for 2021.”

The purpose of the audit of the financial statements and compliance audit of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for 2021, as stated in the report published on the website of the State Audit Office, is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements taken as a whole are free from material misstatement.

In the key determining situations in the report, the method of realizing the rights to financial assistance from social protection, the distribution of block grants by municipalities, the method of selection, selection criteria, the necessary qualifications, the right and the amount of compensation of the commissions, the inventory of assets, the claims and liabilities with which the Ministry has not fully and correctly executed and not fully recorded material assets.