The claim by First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi that there is a chance the European Union allows Macedonia to open its EU accession talks in the first few months of 2022, reminded the public on a similar claim made by member of Parliament Kastriot Rexhepi.

Rexhepi was widely believed to have been kidnapped when he failed to show up for the vote of no confidence in the Zaev Government – a vote he had signed on to, last month. Later, when he resurfaced, he claimed that he was given assurances from high EU diplomats that Macedonia is on the verge of opening EU accession talks, but for this to succeed, Zaev needs to remain in power. Even later, he acknowledged that the information was given to him by his wife, who watched a TV report claiming that French President Macron plans a new Balkan integration push.

Grubi is now using the same excuse to justify the continued coalition between DUI and SDSM, and keeping Zaev in power for as long as possible. Bulgaria announced that it will continue to block Macedonia, initially at the coming European Council, and then, for at least six more months.

Still, like Rexhepi before him, Grubi told the press that he “hopes for a constructive approach from Bulgaria”.