Speaking before thousands of supporters in front of the Government building, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski called on Zoran Zaev to resign as Prime Minister after his complete surrender on all issues of national identity and history.

Resignation for Zaev, freedom for the people, Mickoski said at the opening of the protest. “There are things that are sacred and which are not for sale, at least for anyone with a sane mind and common sense. Things that make us special and are part of our identity. We’ve been silent for too long, we held our heads bowed for too long. Now is the time to say enough, for Macedonians to fight for what is right. What Zoran Zaev is doing to Macedonia is shameful treason, endearing himself to the Bulgarian political elite just to keep his office. He gave up on the sacrifices of the Ilinden Uprising, of the partisans who were the descendants of Ilinden, walked over their bones, Mickoski said.

Over a thousand cars joined the long column along the Ilinden Boulevard in Skopje, en route to the Government building. Additional protests are planned for tomorrow, in several Macedonian cities, organized by VMRO but also spontaneously by citizens self-organizing online. A large faction in the ruling SDSM party is openly rebelling against Zaev’s cave on all Bulgarian demands and this is adding to the calls for him to resign.

I ask you to consider this as a protest that transcends parties. We must be united and that is the only way we can win. This is a very serious crisis and we are bound to act, Mickoski said.