Political dissident and opera singer Igor Durlovski dedicated his nomination for Parliament to the ideal of having Macedonia free again. Durlovski, who was put on trial by the Zaev regime, leads the VMRO-DPMNE list in the 5th district that covers Ohrid and Bitola.

I express my gratitude to party President Hristijan Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE to the great honor and responsibility they vested in me to lead the electoral list as a non-party candidate. Macedonia will live free again. Always and forever, Durlovski said.

Ја изразувам својата благодарност до Претседателот Hristijan Mickoski и ВМРО-ДПМНЕ за укажаната чест и одговорност, како натпартиски кандидат да бидам носител на листа во Изборна единица бр.5.Македонија слободна ќе живее. Секогаш и засекогаш! 🇲🇰

Gepostet von Igor Durlovski am Dienstag, 10. März 2020

The first message of congratulations to his nomination came from Bogdan Ilievski, who was also arrested in the April 2017 trial and received a pardon. Durlovski famously rejected the offer of pardon and dared the regime to sentence him, but even the Zaev aligned judge Dobrila Kacarska didn’t dare.

Brother Durlo, keep walking forward with love, dignity, courage, unbowed for Macedonia, Ilievski said.