Igor Durlovski, the head of VMRO-DPMNE’s MP candidate list in the fifth electoral district, addressed the citizens of Ohrid, announcing that the fight against apathy, the campaign to restore values, started in Ohrid.

The election is a referendum on the future of Macedonia. It is a chance to tell Zaev, Sekerinska, Dimitrov and SDS what we think about everything they have done so far. Macedonia has experienced its greatest national betrayal. For three years we have witnessed the sale of the state, historical reconstructions of our memory, negations and blackmail, said Durlovski, announcing that after the racketeering, revanchism, corruption scandals, dysfunctional health system, a devastated economy, citizens have a chance to choose, pointing out that the problems cannot be solved by the one who created them.

He announced that the VMRO-DPMNE program envisages completion of the Ohrid-Kicevo highway, new airlines connecting Ohrid with the world, Bitola-Resen-Ohrid-Struga gas pipeline, a set of measures for tourism development, a new theater in the city, long-term vision projects.