Education Minister Mila Carovska, whose background prior to joining the Government was as an activist in far left NGO groups, turned to her old colleagues to ask them to support the controversial changes in elementary education curriculums.

Carovska wants to abolish a number of stand-alone classes and roll them into large inter-disciplinary classes. While on its own the proposal could stand, its timing, when Bulgaria and Greece demand wholesale changes to Macedonian education, is very suspicious. Especially its proposal to abolish history as a stand-alone class would be a perfect opportunity for the Zaev regime to throw out the history books Bulgaria and Greece object to, and rewrite them in line with their demands.

Carovska promised an inclusive debate, but instead she is turning to Government appointed school principals, SDSM party youth activists and now her friendly NGO sector to issue “unreserved statements of support for the reform”, as was the case after the NGO meeting today.

The elementary education reforms will strengthen equality, inclusivity, the multi-cultural aspects and non-discrimination. The NGO organizations made their proposals and gave their unreserved support for the entire process during their meeting with the Education Minister, the Government tweeted out after the meeting, declaring that there was unanimity among the far left NGO sector.

These organizations supported the SDSM party during its 2015 Colored Revolution, and have since been rewarded with large transfers from the central budget.

Our society needs an approach that will allow more inter-ethnic interaction. That is notable in the new concept, that it will allow young people to get better acquainted with each other. We needed that, was a typically supportive statement from Uranija Pirovska, head of the Helsinki Committee NGO, which was one of the most outspoken supporters of the SDSM led Colored Revolution. Officials from the Soros funded Foundation Open Society Macedonia and other leftist groups also expressed support for Carovska’s “reform”.

Macedonia is obliged by the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty and the 2018 Prespa Treaty with Greece to rewrite its history books and change its historic narrative along the lines pushed by these two countries. The demands are that Macedonia declares the modern Macedonian nation and language as derived from the Bulgarian and to give away its ancient and medieval history to Greece and Bulgaria.