The electronic tags and the system for monitoring and enforcing the detention measure are not active yet, and the prisoners and detainees don’t have health insurance, the State Audit Office states in the audit reports of the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions at the Ministry of Justice.

The auditors controlled the financial accounts (basic budget and loan budget) of the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions for 2020, together with the compliance audit, where the key findings of the basic budget are that no internal audit was performed and that the prisoners did not have health insurance.

The electronic tags and the system for monitoring and implementation of the detention measure are not active yet, for which the competent institutions in cooperation with the Office need to take measures and activities to enable operation and smooth operation of the electronic surveillance equipment, in order to carry out probation works, ie providing an efficient system of electronic surveillance during the house arrest on the entire territory of Macedonia, the state auditor assesses.