Environmentalists will march on the Government building and the Parliament today, in protest against the high levels of air pollution.

The mild autumn and relatively strong winds have helped keep the horrific seasonal air pollution levels mostly in check so far, but already several Macedonian cities have jumped to the top of worldwide lists. Many fear about the coming winter season, when use of wood and coal for home heating skyrockets.

It’s time for radical changes, for a green revolution. Decades of neglect have left nothing pure. We can’t wait, we demand swift results. If our requests are not met, we will call for a boycott of the elections, say the organizers from the O2 initiative of environmental groups.

Their proposals include demands to clean up illegal dumping sites which are frequently set on fire, ban to any import of old car tires that are often used as fuel by the poorest families, clean up of the old chemicals stored in the OHIS plant in Skopje and a dozen of other issues which O2 has deemed priority.