SDSM – DUI presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski urged his supporters to vote for him by promising that, when Macedonia begins European Union accession talks, EU will begin giving the country 900 million EUR per year.

With the opening of the EU talks our country has the opportunity to draw nearly 900 million EUR each year from the EU funds. Much of them will be used for agriculture, which is important for this part of the country. We need to seize this opportunity, said Pendarovski in a rally in the area of Cesinovo – Oblesevo.

Meanwhile, his main opponent, opposition candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, discussed how the European Union should be seen as a set of values which need to be adhered to.

The Balkans was always a part of Europe, geographically, politically, and especially cultually. Except for two periods, during the Ottoman Empire and during Communist times, our place always was and will be in Europe and in the European Union. But, the path to the EU is not a train you just hop on and go to Brussels. We have to re-create the EU here, but unfortunately that is not what we are doing in these past two years, said Siljanovska in a rally in Demir Hisar.