SDSM did nothing to protect the citizens, says VMRO-DPMNE, adding that the numbers in the past week proved the incompetence of SDSM to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

SDSM only cares about Zoran Zaev’s political career. SDSM demands elections in the midst of a pandemic without thinking about the health of the citizens.

The incompetence of SDSM and Filipce is obvious. “Forbes” published the list of the 100 safest countries in the world for COVID-19 and Macedonia is not on the list at all. Unlike us, higher on this list, all countries in the region, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, according to VMRO-DPMNE.

The party adds that SDSM will be held accountable for this, because with their coming to power they brought only a hybrid regime, crime and poverty.