Interim Deputy Public Administration Minister Nevenka Stamenkovska – Stojkovski warned that the inspection tasked with the work of public employees is non-functional, as its head Fanica Nikoloska is named to the SDSM party electoral headquarters. On top of appointing an official with large influence over the public administration as election campaign manager for the ruling party, this also means that the office Nikoloska holds is going to suffer as she is engaged elsewhere.

The inspection service is tasked with performing an annual review in all the public sector institutions and to evaluate the employees. But this obligation is now being neglected as Fanica Nikoloska is preoccupied with the SDSM campaign, Stamenkovska said.

Шефот на РИШ на СДСМ, Фаница Николоска која е Директорка на Државниот управен инспекторат со надлежност да спроведува…

Gepostet von Невенка Стаменковска Стојковски am Montag, 2. März 2020