The state is on the verge of collapse, and dozens of human lives are being lost because the system fails to provide protection to citizens, VMRO-DPMNE said on Tuesday.

Health workers are sacrificing themselves every day, risking their own lives without proper equipment, and the priority of Zoran Zaev’s government is to print new money with the adjective that was not accepted in the referendum. Businesses are closing, workers remain on the streets, and Zaev’s government’s priority is to secure extra money for relatives and party followers in the SPO who helped and kept silent about the racket, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release.

The party says that the situation with the Covid-19 epidemic is alarming and they say that Zaev’s government, instead of dancing with the epidemic, must immediately wake up and start taking responsible steps.

VMRO-DPMNE adds that the state should be organized and to protect healthcare workers, to procure medical equipment and materials, to prepare facilities that will be an alternative for hospitals and most importantly to start mass testing, according to the recommendations of the WHO, because that way  people who are carriers of the virus will be detected, their movement will be restricted and thus the spread of the virus will be prevented.