Zoran Zaev said that he doesn’t remember whether he signed a report when he allegedly went to state prosecutors to ask them to investigate the Racket scandal. Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski pressed him on the issue given Zaev’s repeated boasts that he is not a crook in this case but a whistleblower. But when asked how, when and in what manner did he report the high profile racketeering scandal, Zaev couldn’t respond.

You can’t remember every detail, I checked my agenda, the prosecutors should say whether they prepared a written report. But it’s important that I reported the case. I don’t know if they have a report, if it’s archived, if it’s part of the docket, Zaev said.

Mickoski responded by asking Zaev whether he is in the practice of reporting high profile criminal cases often to the prosecutors, and he responded that this is the one case. “So you don’t remember the details of the one time you did that?”, Mickoski replied.

Zaev is widely suspected of being heavily involved in the Racket extortion case, where his close ally Katica Janeva and friend Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 are charged with extorting up to 20 million EUR from a number of businessmen. After the scandal broke, Zaev claimed that he didn’t know a thing about it, and when it was reported to him by businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev, who had 1.5 million EUR taken from him, he reported it to the prosecutors. It is widely determined that the criminal group was tipped off by Zaev that Kamcev is going around reporting the case, which allowed them to destroy evidence and cover up their tracks.