The law is still on the table and if VMRO-DPMNE wants to take part in the process, then it should draft amendments to this text. All other actions are just an alibi, the Ministry of Justice said on Tuesday in relation to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski’s statement on the law.

The Law on Public Prosecutor’s Office was drafter for a long time in the Ministry of Justice by a working group comprised of domestic experts, the scientific public, public prosecutors, but also foreign experts and even foreign public prosecutors, who give suggestions and opinions on certain issues related to the law. The law is still on the table and if VMRO-DPMNE wants to take part in the process, then it should draft amendments to this text. All other actions are just an alibi, said the Ministry of Justice.

Mickoski today asked professors and experts to come up with a solution to the law on public prosecution, which, he said, would be supported by VMRO-DPMNE.