Disgraced Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva today sent out another letter from prison, this time to submit her resignation. Janeva already submitted a conditional resignation in mid July, as soon as her associate Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 was arrested on racketeering charges, but then she added she will only resign if a successor is agreed between the political parties.

Now that she has been detained herself, Janeva first moved to order her SPO office to hand over all their case files to the larger OJO service, and then she resigned altogether, with a handwritten note.

Legal experts have dismissed her letters, especially the first one, given that the law orders that detained prosecutors lose all their authority. Janeva is charged precisely with abusing her SPO office, and the idea that she can de facto abolish it from prison is seen as laughable, and an attempt by the ruling SDSM party to maintain its campaign of political persecution of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party, using a different set of prosecutors now that its main tool is thoroughly discredited.

A Parliament Committee unanimously proposed to dismiss Janeva today, and the proposal was expected to breeze through the full Parliament within days.