The conditions in which we find ourselves are difficult, and I am afraid that the coming months will be the most difficult that this generation has faced. It is fair to tell the people the truth in their eyes, and not the truth to be served wrapped in wafers or in professional terminology that we are not all obliged to know, Dragan Kovacki from VMRO-DPMNE wrote in a Facebook post.

According to him, the world economy has officially entered a recession and will not come out until the most powerful countries defeat the virus.

One does not need to be an expert to know that the economically stronger will more easily face the consequences that those who are economically weaker. It is very likely that we will suffer serious damage that we should have been preparing for since “yesterday”. The government should at least consider the solutions offered by the opposition in that regard, and not reject them ad hoc, Kovacki said, blasting the authorities for their decision to print new money with the country’s new name, instead of dedicating to solving problems.

How will we explain to the citizens that the new printed money with changed name will help them in the fight against the virus, he said.