The Lider news outlet is reporting that several members of Parliament from DUI are not happy with the division of spoils within the party, and are not yet decided to vote for the renewed SDSM – DUI coalition. A DUI official confirmed that something is happening, saying that it is the former Mayor of Cair Izet Mexhiti, who will decide whether the Government gets approved or not.

The Parliament is supposed to meet today to vote on a new Speaker, which is usually the first move to establish that there is a majority of at least 61 votes. Under the SDSM – DUI agreement, which includes parties like BESA and DPA, the coalition would have 62 – still a very narrow majority and one that is prone to blackmail from the inside.

It’s possible that the Parliament won’t meet today, until the two DUI members are persuaded or hold additional talks with party leader Ali Ahmeti, Lider writes, adding that former security chief Saso Mijalkov was personally involved in promoting the inclusion of DUI official Artan Grubi into the Government, as First Deputy Prime Minister, who is expected to have veto power in the Government.

DUI has a number of factions, built around former UCK terrorist commanders in the 2001 civil war.