The whole system in one state, the whole of society, every segment, depends on the level of corruption, above all those who are “elected” to run the state – the authorities. For one to know what a state is, its economy, ecology, education system, health care, private sector, culture, etc., it is sufficient to check the extent of corruption in that state. One does not even want to go on vacation in a country that has a high-level corruption because it does not feel safe, let alone thinking about doing something more in such a corrupt society.

The poorest and worst countries in the world are the countries where corruption reigns, that’s a fact, those are the numbers. Corruption is present in every state and nation, but the level of corruption depends on the legal system in the country. The richest and most desirable countries to live in are those that have an exceptionally good legal system that keeps corruption to a minimum. These are the countries we aspire to – the members of the European Union. And when we say European values we mean an efficient legal system. The conclusion is that in a state everything depends on the legal system, every pore of society is directly related to the efficiency of the legal system.

Macedonia has the highest levels of corruption in Europe. The corruption that is present in the government affects the life in the state, every single citizen is directly affected by the lack of what should eliminate corruption – the law and the legal system. We do not have a legal system that will enlighten and sanction the crime that comes from the government, and there are numerous daily scandals that the current judicial system under the pressure of the government is trying to hide. Macedonian authorities speak of European values but with African manners. While at debates Zaev tells how he was hugged in Europe, he fails to explain to the people present in the halls why the “Racket 1” and “Racket 2” cases are stuck and nothing is clarified, he fails to explain to them that their living standards are the lowest in Europe because the legal system does not sanction the government that steals exactly from the people present in the hall, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikolovski writes in a column for Nezavisen.