We have withdrawn our application in hosting the Notice Only Activity ‘annual flag raising ceremony’ at Fed Square for Macedonian Independence Day held on September 8, 2019. The reason for this is the shameful Prespa Agreement and the illegal name change, the Macedonian Community Council of Melbourne & Victoria Inc., said in a press release.

Fed Square’s Flag Policy clearly states that we must now obtain permission from an official representation such as a Consulate, High Commission or Embassy and furthermore provide a letter of endorsement to them from such a body. This would require us to indirectly accept the name change by signing documents issued by the Consulate of `North Macedonia’ in which we need to acknowledge the name change being: the Melbourne Consulate of the Republic of ‘North Macedonia’, before, during and after the ‘annual flag raising ceremony’.

A consulate, which even in Melbourne Victoria is satisfying anti-Macedonian demands, despite overwhelming rejection of the name change by Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia and by us, Melbourne Victorians. A Consulate, that since its appointment of the new representative of ‘North Macedonia’ has not had a working meeting with the MCCMV. This Consulate is not across any of the issues or needs of the Macedonian community, who settled in Melbourne & Victoria as far back as the early 1900’s. Therefore, in its current state and capacity cannot be a true representative of the Macedonian identity, Macedonian history, Macedonian heritage, Macedonian culture and Macedonian language. The Melbourne Consulate of the Republic of ‘North Macedonia’ does not act as a spokes body or representative for the Macedonian Community Council of Melbourne & Victoria Inc. The Macedonians of Melbourne & Victoria have the right to self-identification and self-determination. We are Macedonian, we identify as Macedonians and our ancestral home has and always will be Macedonia. We will stand proud and continue to be an integral part in building positive relations in Melbourne Victoria under our truthful name and identity: Macedonian.

Considering the significance of September 8 to us Macedonians and the backstory, we cannot, with a clear conscience and within our Macedonian hearts, silently approve the illegal name change. The MCCMV feels that any individual or body representing either directly or indirectly ‘North’ is forcing us to accept this and furthermore go against our principals. We are a large community and have the freedom to self-expression. Any member of the Macedonian community who chooses to attend Fed Square on September 8 does so at their own prerogative. We expect Australian National flags to be flanked instead, reads the press release.