Serbian press is reporting that mafia boss Radoje Zvicer, who is considered head of the powerful Montenegrin Kavachki clan, also had a fake Macedonian passport. Zvicer survived an assassination attempt in Odessa a year ago where at least one of the hitmen, coming from the rival Shkaljarski clan, also had a Macedonian passport.

Zvicer is believed to be hopping from country to country, including in Latin America, using fake Balkan passports, and using protection from local drug groups.

The assassins who attacked Zvicer in Ukraine had passprots from Serbia and Montenegro, and one of them, Stefan Djukic, had a fake Macedonian passport. The Macedonian Interior Ministry is accused of issuing over 200 passports to regional and European mafia figures and hitmen – a scandal which is being swept under the rug by the Zaev regime.