SDSM’s position is that in mid-June there is an opportunity to organize elections, the Minister of Information Society and Administration and Vice President of SDSM Damjan Mancevski said Monday on TV 24.

According to Mancevski, the first opportunity to organize elections must be seized.

What will we do if we have a higher intensity of the virus in the fall? We must seize the first opportunity to organize elections. The Commission for Infectious Diseases knows which are clusters and that is why testing is aimed at those territories. The false negative test is the most dangerous, and excessive testing during the incubation period can create false information that there are no infected people, said Mancevski.

Regarding the date for the elections, he said that nothing would be done contrary to what the Commission for Infectious Diseases says.

If for some reason it is not possible to hold the elections on that date, we will respect that, said Mancevski.