All SDSM are good for is lying to the public. That’s what they are best at, lying and stealing, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during the pre-election rally in Kocani this evening.

Zoran Zaev and his little helpers are pillaging the country for four years now and they still act like they are in the opposition. Menawhile, our people never lived worse. A liter of cooking oil was 67 denars last year, and now it’s 97 denars. A kilo of flour was 34 denars, now it’s 40. The people have never been poorer, Mickoski said.

He also accused the Zaev regime of supporting regional criminals – after the major scandal in which it was revealed that over 200 drug runners, money launderers and hitmen from the region were given Macedonian passports.

You won’t find a criminal in the Balkans who doesn’t have a Macedonian passport, curtesy of Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski, Mickoski said.