The president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, last night in a phone call with the “Jadi Burek” show during the national protest Ultimatum, NO THANKS, spoke about what are the critical points why the French proposal should be rejected. Mickoski emphasized that if this proposal is accepted, there will be complete assimilation, and it also gives Bulgaria a tool when it wants and how it wants to block Macedonia from being a member state of the EU.

In the documents that have been made available to the public, there are practically several essential things that we have to reject. The first is that one of the documents refers to the protocol of the second intergovernmental conference with Bulgaria in relation to history and education and monuments and culture, all that is contained in the first resolution of the Bulgarian Parliament of 2019 and if we let that to be acceptes, practically complete assimilation is ahead of us. And the second one is in the first document, which is practically the negoting framework in point 5 where we have several conditions. In addition to the Copenhagen and the conditions defined by the accession process, there are bilateral agreements, that is, a tool is given in the hands of Bulgaria when it wants and how it wants to block us, despite the fact that until now for no country that has become a member it was a condition. Thus, the bilateral agreement, not only the Prespa Agreement, but also the Good Neighborly Agreement are part of the offered negotiating framework. Those are the two essential things that we should reject, said Mickoski.

Mickoski indicated that the third point why this proposal should not be accepted is in the part of making statements, where we refer to two unilateral statements, one from our side, one from neighboring Bulgaria, where they can put a footnote practically, i.e. an asterisk to our language, a Macedonian language that has just been codified.