VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski responded to the allegations from SDSM leader Zoran Zaev that VMRO, if it wins the elections, would bring Macedonia 25 years back in time. As the April 12 elections draw nearer, Zaev is scaremongering over the Prespa treaty, alleging that a win for VMRO will mean its reversal which would in turn lead to the loss of NATO membership, the EU prospects and a hit on the economy.

If we go 25 years back, when SDSM ruled the country, we get to the time of Radmila Sekerinska and the rise of the Zaev clan in Strumica. Corruption reigned under SDSM. Sekerinska led the party’s youth wing. Cigarette smuggling was rampant. Extortion was being perfected for political gains. The Gligorov assassination attempt, strikes, shutting down of our factories, inflation, poverty. The years when companies like Slavija, Centro and the Zelezara smelter collapsed, as did the TAT pyramid scheme. The same criminal characters linger to this day. That is why we must defeat them at the elections on April 12, Mickoski said in his video response.

ВМРО-ДПМНЕ нѐ враќа назад

Укинувањето на Преспанскиот договор би било враќање најмалку 25 години назад, во времиња на конфликти, поделби, етнички тензии, сиромаштија и меѓународна изолација.

Gepostet von СДСМ – Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија am Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020