At Monday’s rally in Strumica, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski pointed out that for more than a decade the city has been a prisoner of one family, honest people are outvoted with bought votes, and money is circling in the same closed circle, and blackmail, threats and pressure rule.

And when I talk about Zaev’s little helpers, I refer most of all to the character of that young Kostadinco, his shadow, his copy, a man with a lost identity, a man overwhelmed by the desire to be Zoran Zaev, proudly saying his political mentor was Zoki, imagine Zoran being your moral mirror, said Mickoski.

Mickoski said that Strumica is a city of honest, hospitable, friendly people, people who want change, and in Strumica there must be change.

They did not fulfill any of their promises for these 4 years, everything they promised was lies. Their positions are for something else, not for the people, said Mickoski.

Mickoski stressed that people need to come out en masse with support in these local elections and not to allow SDSM to continue abusing the goodness of citizens.

Mickoski emphasized that VMRO-DPMNE offers 14,835 projects for all municipalities that mean solving the problems of the citizens.