The inclusion of nationality in ID cards was discussed with the Greek ambassador to Macedonia, but there was no warning from anyone, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, answering a reporter’s question whether there was a warning from a foreign diplomat.

I do not have such a warning, nor any talk of any alarm or warning that anyone would react. They was a meeting with the ambassador of Greece, they received feedback. We have checked it through our diplomatic channels since the time when it was promised in 2019, at the beginning of the year, when the constitutional changes were voted in line with the Prespa Agreement. So there is no warning because it is a matter of identity issues, both of Macedonians and Albanians, Turks, Roma, Bosniaks and all others, said Zaev.

Earlier, Zaev accused the leader of VMRO DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, of lying when he claimed that there was a serious remark by the ambassador of one of our neighboring countries, regarding the inclusion of Macedonian in ID cards.

Namely, Mickoski stated that VMRO-DPMNE supports a solution to include the ethnicity of the citizens in ID cards, but that the law is blocked because the ambassador from our neighboring country had serious remarks about it.