Consensus is also needed when it comes to education and healthcare, and not only that and many other things. At a political debate, if we reduce it to why there is no consensus, so there is a consensus, we will never come to the answer to that question, we need to show that in practice. The previous VMRO-DPMNE government decided to build a clinical center that will cost a certain amount of money , it provided the money from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, made a project and so on, and the project began to develop. Another government comes, it says it is not good, we will cancel that contract, we will pay a fine for the funds that the previous government took and now we will make a new clinical center on another location in Vizbegovo and it lasts for days a year. After a year and a half, they say that they have decided that they will not do it here, they will do it towards Gjorce Petrov, the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski said Tuesday on TV 24 regarding how this SDSM government is dealing with the coronavirus.

Mickoski pointed out that the program that VMRO-DPMNE planned to present for the early parliamentary elections had a different approach from the aspect of healthcare and had assessed that the money provided for that clinical center of 500 million euros were a waste. That being said, Mickoski added that VMRO-DPMNE thinks that the country should not invest in bricks, but in human capital.

We thought that we could make the most expensive and most perfect and most beautiful clinical center in the world, but if there is no one to work in it, we have invested that money in vain and that is why we had a different approach from the aspect of healthcare policies, added Mickoski.