A way out of the political crisis is to hold early elections, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vladimir Misajlovski, in an interview with RFE. Misajlovski said that it is now clear that the Zaev coalition does not have the necessary majority to lead the country.

They don’t have the margin they like to present. Every day they lack quorum in the Parliament. We function on committee level, but when it comes to the plenary session, when it’s time to vote for the laws, there are not enough representatives from the majority. They resorted to bringing people in hazmat suits but they also lack members of Parliament from DUI who are not sick, they just can’t be bothered to come to a vote. Elections are one of the basic steps so that the Parliament can resume normal work, Misajlovski told RFE.

The demand for general elections in October, when municipal elections are scheduled, was made during the protest in downtown Skopje today, where thousands of people called for the release of political prisoners held by the Zaev regime.