Now the state has a problem because an irresponsible government accepted a job that it cannot deliver, said Aleksandar Nikoloski, vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE in an interview with TV 24.

Nikoloski added that in the Parliament, the authorities announced an increased parliamentary majority, but it turned out that the numbers remained the same, from 64 to now there are only 65. So nothing from an increased parliamentary majority.

He emphasized that there are meetings that are unpleasant, but VMRO-DPMNE will not budge even a millimeter from its positions regarding constitutional amendments.

Most often it’s about meetings where they listen, where they get information, they say the positions of the country they represent, and that’s it. Of course, there are more unpleasant meetings, and there are also meetings where there is pressure, but we are not ready to budge even a millimeter from what our views are, stressed Nikoloski.

He pointed out that VMRO-DPMNE will not change its positions.

Today we are against changing the Constitution because we think that it is not something that Macedonia should do, especially since Bulgaria does not guarantee that it will not continue to blackmail Macedonia, said the vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE.

Nikoloski emphasized that VMRO-DPMNE has a way, it has a concept to get Macedonia out of the impasse it has just entered. The VMRO-DPMNE plan consists of three segments, the prerequisite of which is the early parliamentary elections. The first segment is national, or the national rise of the Macedonian people. The second concept is the political protection of the identity of the Macedonian people and the Macedonian language. And the third concept is financial progress and benefit for the citizens. So the plan contains a national, political, and economic part.