SDSM’s initiative to collect signatures for reconvening the Parliament has no legal basis. Only the Constitutional Court can reconvene the Parliament in such circumstances, claim the interlocutors we consulted.

According to them, there is a possibility that the MPs will return to the Parliament and continue working only if the Constitutional Court annuls the decision for dissolution made on February 16 for the elections that were to take place on April 12. But since the Constitutional Court rejected such an initiative last week, there is no possibility of reconvening the dissolved Parliament.

That this is not possible is confirmed by the fact that the legal experts gathered at the request of President Pendarovski did not build a common position on this issue.

That is why the head of state decided to declare a state of emergency and not a crisis situation, because during a state of emergency, the government can adopt decrees having the force of law.

The question is what has changed since then, so that now the government is seeking a way to reconvene the Parliament at any cost.

Is the reason for that the fact that all the Decrees adopted by the Government during a state of emergency must be passed by the Parliament. It is obvious that the government is in a hurry to do this in the Parliament composition while they still have a majority.

According to experts, it is impossible for former MPs to return without revoking the Constitutional Court’s decision to dissolve Parliament. Until then, they are former MPs.

What will the “signatories” do with the decision to dissolve the Parliament passed with 108 votes. Will they skip it? The Constitution is the highest legal act, experts point out.