Now is the time for the EU to fulfill its part of the task and unblock our accession process by adopting the negotiating framework and holding the first intergovernmental conference during the French presidency, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani after meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried, who is visiting the country.

Osmani warned that the lack of progress in the European integration process will have serious consequences for our country and the Western Balkans, but opens, as he noted, space for harmful influences from third countries due to which “acceleration of European integration processes is a significant geopolitical interest for our partners as well”.

According to him, the EU enlargement process is also a security policy and hence, the region’s membership in the Union is essential for regional and European security and stability. None of us, emphasizes Osmani, has time to lose.

Македонија е европска земја и лојален партнер со значителен напредок во реформските процеси. Иако се уште земја кандидат, РСМ во целост или стопроцентно е усогласена со заедничката надворешна и безбедносна политика на ЕУ и воедно со сите рестриктивни мерки што произлегуваат од воената агресија на Русија врз Украина. Цениме дека сега е вистинско време за ЕУ да го исполни својот дел од задачата и да го деблокира нашиот пристапен процес преку усвојување на преговарачката рамка и одржување на првата меѓувладина конференција за време на француското претседателство.

Macedonia is a European country and a loyal partner with significant progress in the reform processes. Although still a candidate country, Macedonia is fully or 100% in line with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, as well as with all restrictive measures stemming from Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. We believe that now is the right time for the EU to fulfill its part of the task and unblock our accession process by adopting the negotiating framework and holding the first intergovernmental conference during the French presidency. It will be a great encouragement for other countries in the Western Balkans. The credibility of the EU will be confirmed and the processes for overcoming differences and reconciliation in the region will be encouraged. Although stable, the region is burdened with numerous issues that create space for directed instability enhanced by external influences from centers of power in whose interest is not the stability and prosperity of the region, said the Minister.

He reiterated that the country supports and shows solidarity with the Ukrainian people, as well as that it clearly condemns Russian military actions in the country.

The war in Ukraine demonstrated a clear need for new dynamics in the European integration processes of the Western Balkan countries, Osmani said.

At the press conference, the Minister emphasized that as a NATO ally, Macedonia undertakes the obligation to actively contribute to regional stability.

In this sense, the United States, as well as other NATO allies can count on the country as a stable and credible partner in addressing all open issues in the region. It is our obligation, but also our direct interest to be part of a safe, stable and prosperous region surrounded by neighboring countries that share our European and Euro-Atlantic future, said Osmani.