NSDP leader and one of the coalition partners of SDSM and Zaev talked on 1TV about Tevdovski’s replacement for the takeover of the ministerial post by Zaev and said that it must be known that Tevdovski is the author of the economic program of SDSM which is purely leftist.

Tevdovski was clear in the pre-election period, as Minister, he, even more, fiercely insisted that the weight of the reforms should be determined correctly, that it should be taken from rich and given to the poor. It is a purely leftist approach, I wonder that now there is no ideological difference when it is known that the economy is run by one representative of the business sector, the big capital, that collision was silent, latent in the government itself, Petkovski said.

According to Petkovski, it is more than obvious that Minister Tevdovski did not meet the expectations of Zaev and why Zaev has taken the lead in that position at this moment remains to be assumed.