The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, reacted to the election of the former Prime Minister and former President of SDSM, Vldo Buckovski, as a special representative of the Macedonian Government for Bulgaria.

Mickoski points out that Buckovski proposed a joint celebration of Ilinden with the eastern neighbor, and Zaev in the recent interview made them liberators.

Today, Zaev appoints the man whose career ended with a political agreement over the court case “Tank parts” to negotiate the history, the language, the Macedonian minority, the heroes. People with “sticky fingers”, one known for Bacilo, sale of EVN, Magyar Telekom, passports, the other known for Global, bribe-euro for Vice, Racket 1 and 2, marijuana plantations, are the duo that should solve the problem with Bulgaria . These two people are known only for selling, and unfortunately for cheap selling. Poor Macedonia if the solution is the “sticky fingers duo” Zaev and Buckovski. This is a harbinger of a catastrophe that we must not allow to happen. So when these two are the question, the answer is the people, Mickoski said.