Today, the SDSM official from Kicevo, Elena Mitrejceska, resigned from the party. She said via Facebook that her parents taught her honesty and morality, and that’s why she took this decision.

Mitrejceska is visibly disappointed with the local SDSM activists and says that they abused their own party.

She says that for many years five to ten people from the party’s branch in Kicevo pursued only their personal interests, while the other “ordinary” members of the party served them to comfortably get to  director positions.

She adds that she knows how to confront them and that she is not an ordinary follower of orders.

There are intelligent people in Kicevo, do not underestimate our intelligence. Honesty must prevail, Mitrejceska said, urging the SDSM leadership to take care of Kicevo.