The government is introducing media censorship amid an epidemic, says VMRO DPMNE spokesman Naum Stoilkovski.

The government opted for online press conferences and inclusion of questions. But by abusing the situation it is trying to exclude critical media. Accreditation is required to ask questions at government online conferences. However, only AJM members can obtain accreditation.

Namely, the registration letter states:

All media registered in the AVMS Register (Print Media Register / Television Register / Radio Register) are eligible to participate in the call, as well as all the online media from the Register of the Council of Ethics in the Media of Macedonia and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (Register of Professional Online Media) ”

Censorship comes in the last part. Most critical media are not part of the AJM or part of the Register of the Council of Ethics; which is easily checked by the links suggested by the government.

* This is the registry indicated by the government

This prohibits critical media from asking questions. Among them are Kurir, Republika, Lider, Infomax, Netpress, Vecer. Media with thousands of readers and visitors. Even more than those on the list. All of this comes after the questions to Filipce and facing the truth about the situation and the emergency procurement of the government. The journalists of these media have obtained accreditation for attending government press conferences. No NGO register can be above that. It is shameful, in times of epidemics, to exclude media that have been ACCREDITED and have been present at government presses without interruption, Stoilkovski says.