In order to get a job at the Inter-Municipal Center for Social Affairs Tetovo, the current head of SDSM’s councilor list for the local elections in Tetovo, Gligorije Stojanovski, stated in the application that he was Albanian, because the advertisement stated that it was intended for the employment of Albanian candidates, learns.

With that, Stojanovski was employed by the decision of the director of the Social Affairs Center in Tetovo, taking the place of other candidates, an image that in the last few years since SDSM has been in power is more and more common, as Macedonians pose as Albanians, Roma or Turks in job ads in order to get a job via party channels.

Ова било причина кандидатка која извисила и била рангирана подолу на листата, бидејќи Поповски и го зел местото со изјавата дека е Албанец, да поднсе тужба против ЈУ МЦСР Тетово.

This was the reason for a candidate who was promoted and was ranked lower on the list, because Popovski took her place with the statement that he is Albanian, to file a lawsuit against the Social Affairs Center in Tetovo.

According to the documents obtained by, the Appellate Court in Tetovo accepted the lawsuit and ruled that the lawsuit of the candidate who appealed is accepted and annulled the decision to employ the three candidates, including Stojanovski. Furthermore, the court ordered the director of the Social Affairs Center in Tetovo to issue a new advertisement, but also to pay the costs of MKD 63,040.

The court determined that Gligorije Stojanovski, despite the fact that he stated that he is Albanian in order to be employed in this advertisement, failed to prove his nationality as Albanian, that is, he did not provide any proof of this. This was the reason why the court annulled the decision of the director of Social Affairs Center in Tetovo.

With that, this decision of Stojanovski, the head of the SDSM list, not only stated that he is an Albanian, but also damaged the institution’s budget.