The implementation of open political violence in the exercise of power, by silencing the opposition led by the largest opposition party VMRO-DPMNE and not accepting its proposals for current issues from all crises we are facing, is slowly but surely being transmitted to the media. And to notice and see it does not take much. It is enough to look at the latest announcement of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Services, but also the largest news aggregate in the country, as well as the absence of any reactions from journalists’ associations.

The initial trigger for this behavior of most media in the country, regardless of whether any benchmark will be placed before them, especially that of pro-government, was the cancellation of the already agreed and scheduled interview of VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski with TV Telma. The unprofessional and inadmissible attitude of a national television, with an even more unacceptable explanation, is nothing but an elementary picture of the level of democracy in the country and the degree of media freedom. To make the misconception bigger, these are two of the basic criteria for the country’s progress towards the European integration process, which, after the almost certain veto by Bulgaria, we will have to take care of ourselves, as the government says.

But, if this is the “formula” for that, then our future does not look good. Because censoring the opposition is not only against the public interest, but also takes us back decades to the time of the beginning of one-mindedness. Which ultimately means saying goodbye to democracy and democratic processes and re-introducing media censorship, copyright self-censorship, political dictatorship and authoritarian totalitarianism of the worst kind.

And when it comes to Telma TV, for example, no one has tried to deny the information that the purchase of its editorial policy costs 32 million euros, an amount that the government should pay to the owner, the Makpetrol company, at the expense of the dominant ownership in the GA-MA pipeline.

What is most worrying is the absence of media silence on the institutional reaction of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Services. As a reminder, the Agency reminded that one of the basic program principles on which the programs of the broadcasters are based is objective and impartial presentation of the events with equal treatment of different views and opinions and enabling the free formation of public opinion on certain events and issues.

The media are independent in creating editorial policy, but political pluralism is vital for the development and preservation of democratic societies. That is why the media must be aware of their role and responsibility in creating public opinion, ie the obligation to the public to make the programs open to different political views, said the Agency.

On the contrary, the media and the journalists’ associations did not react to this, thus practically legitimizing the institutional bribery of the media editorial policies! And it would be nice if it happened for the first time. No! The institutional bribery of editorial policies began long ago, fulfilling the lucrative interests of media owners. And the top were only the legal changes with the Government decrees having the force of law even before the last parliamentary elections.

The latest proof of this is the report on the last court hearing in the April 27 case. It may sound incredible, but it is pure truth, there was not a single report on the case for which there was exceptional interest !? Not to mention the biggest news aggregator. No pro-government media wrote a word about the collective amnesia of current and former MPs from the government about whether they signed a request to postpone the parliamentary session for the next day, ie April 28! The defense of the defendants had to remind them of that.

Violent political silence and media censoring of the opposition should lead to seeing the reality through the “pink glasses” of the government. But practice has shown that such behavior always comes back like a boomerang and it is only a matter of time.