It is not up to the perception, it is up to the theft of the Government !, says the president of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski after yesterday’s disastrous report from Transparency International, today Macedonia is 8 places down on the Heritage Foundation list compared to last year, when it comes to the Index of Economic Freedom.

A new slap in the face to the government, a new confrontation with reality. Another drop today, this time on the Heritage list of the index of economic freedom. The drop is 8 places in one year. From 33rd to 41st place this year. Before us are Kazakhstan, Rwanda, Botswana. The country fell back into the moderately free category after being in the ranks of the mostly free. One of the remarks is the state’s public expenditure on social transfers, more precisely the bribe made by the Government during the elections, instead of investing in capital spending. At the same time, there is a high level of corruption and a lack of fight against crime. Two days, two heavy falls for the country, in two key areas: fight against corruption and economy. All international institutions are alerted to what is happening in the country. There is neither justice nor economic development… This is worse than the mafia. This government is stealing everyone’s future and tearing the country apart. Resignations, responsibility and securing the future are needed.