Almost three years after the Prespa Treaty that imposed a name change on Macedonia, the term “North Macedonian” is becoming more and more entrenched in international media. The Zaev regime insisted that the term will apply only to the Government institutions of Macedonia, while in matters of national identity and all individual, cultural and other uses, the term Macedonian will be freely used.

But, predictably, the use of the word Macedonian has fallen to the side and Macedonians are now becoming known as North Macedonians. Greece officially never signed off on the right to use the adjective Macedonian and Greek social media activists often whip up a storm when it is used, prompting international news outlets to resort to the “safer” term “North Macedonian”.
American activist Jason Miko, who is outspoken in his criticism of the imposed name change and speaks out for the right of Macedonians to their nation and identity, has complied a list of dozens of news items and reports that use the term “North Macedonian”.

These include the “North Macedonian” football team which was recently on a roll and therefore generated a lot of media coverage, NATO outlets, media such as Reuters, CNN affiliated and Euronews, and many more.