It is still uncertain whether the Parliament will decide to postpone the census, which was supposed to start today, for September as agreed at the leaders’ meeting between Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the opposition VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.

The State Statistical Office, which is in charge of conducting the census, says that they have no comment on whether the census should be held or postponed until the procedure in the Parliament is completed. The Minister of Justice, Bojan Maricic, says that the census, according to the current law, should start today and if the census workers go out on the field and collect some data, they will be taken into account.

Speaker Talat Xhaferi sabotaged Wednesday’s session where the bill to postpone the census was supposed to be discussed. Xhaferi returned it to the Government, claiming that there are some technical issues with the bill.

The coordinator of the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative group in Parliament was against holding of the session because he believed that the postponement of the census for September is not due to the current health condition, but that it is a political decision.

All representatives of the parliamentary groups and the representatives of the political parties represented in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, expressed readiness to hold the sessions, except the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative.