VMRO-DPMNE rejects any compromise over Goce Delcev, the opposition party said in a press release following the event in Bitola where Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov insisted that Goce Delcev is a Bulgarian. The ethnicity of the legendary VMRO leader is the latest historical dispute between the two countries.

Macedonian citizens and VMRO-DPMNE will never accept the denial of the uniqueness of Macedonia, the Macedonian people and the Macedonian language. We will also never accept giving up on the work of Goce Delcev, who lived and fought with a singular idea – that of a free and independent Macedonia. The language, the ethnicity and the work of Goce Delcev always were and always will be Macedonian, VMRO-DPMNE said in response to Karakacanov’s comments.

Karakacanov practically endorsed SDSM for the coming April 1 elections, saying that relations with Macedonia will depend on whether Macedonian politicians continue to be reasonable. VMRO-DPMNE blamed SDSM of compromising Macedonia’s positions on all national red lines, which just invites more pressure and loss of identity.

Over the past three years SDSM conducted disastrous policies which greatly damaged Macedonia’s identity, culture and history. SDSM trampled on our dignity and brought defeats and humiliation. This ends on April 12, when the Renewal of Macedonia will begin, VMRO said in its press release.

Meanwhile, SDSM ignored Karakacanov’s comments. SDSM leader Zoran Zaev pushed the joint commission of historians to find a compromise on Goce Delcev, as Bulgaria may block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks unless that happens, but even SDSM’s handpicked historians in the commission were not prepared to sign off on what they were asked by Zaev.